Human translation vs. machine translation - the advantages...
The development of technology has made machine translation very common and brought much convenience to people’s life. Then, what is the difference between human translation and machine translation? Let's analyze it!
Human translation is easy to cause the distortion of the original while machine translation remains relatively reliable, which can perform its translation function according to the literal meaning of the work, but people tend to be not satisfied with its translation styles . If the work is completed by human, it can only provide general transcription for read , as machine translation can provide printed form. The disadvantage of machine translation is that the process is very rough through translating. It should be edited before using it and adds the cost of accordingly, thus will not cost a over high cost.
There are many merits of machine translation, which can complete a fixed task with accurate translation. In the process of translation, linguists and programmers can handle the relationship between languages better and improve them continuously . At present, the cost of machine translation is becoming steadily falling , which aids the scholars all over the world to understand the current development situation at the fastest speed. At present, the machine translation is not possible to identify a equivalent language of different speakers, especially has a problem in the treatment of semantic issues.
The existence of machine translation has greatly promoted social progress, and the existence of various translation software promotes the development of economy and eliminate the obstacles of communication between people, thus having played an important role in the communication of world and accelerating the process of globalization. With the constant improvement of translation research level, the importance of machine translation will be greater and greater. In general, the translators will use all kinds of translation systems or software in translation work , so you need to improve the speed and accuracy of the translation to improve the efficiency of translation greatly.
The existence of the machine translation also promote the development of other areas, for example, the existence of the machine translation has promoted the development of different subjects such as computer science, linguistics, mathematics, and the rich results promoted the new development of various fields in return.