Apple is worth more than you might think!

An apple phone created a world famous enterprise as well as the celebrity, Steve Jobs. Soon after Apple released IPhone6, an activist investor publicly expressed to Apple that, Apple market is significantly undervalued, and he hopes that Apple can buy back its stock. The activist deems that the proper value of Apple market is at least 3 times of its’ current value which is over $600 billion now, and he gave the following 5 reasons.

First, Apple system is better than Android.

The new launched IPhone 6 and its upgraded version are definitely nobles of smartphones, they are expensive but affordable to people and favored by lots of people. The launches of new products are bound to seize the market share of Google Android, especially the market of smartphone. Nowadays, people spend more and more time on phones. Apple will be the dominant player in the present age of mobile internet.

Second, the new smartwatch released attracts peoples' attention

At the time of the release of new phone, Apple also released its new smartphones, which attracted great attention and might be on sale next year, it has been the sales volume of it will exceed 10 million, the income of which will certainly be extremely high.

Third, Apple tablet computer have been used widely

The new partnership between Apple and IBM will bring great profits to Apple in the next 3 years.

Fourth, the potential market of television

Although, Apple has no plan to launch television, they are trying to work out how to make an innovative television which will be an unprecedented.

Fifth, Apple’s payment system is about to go online.

The new Apple payment system will be launched soon, which will bring a huge market and nice profit to Apple, as it has a critical mass of users, the degree of market acceptance certainly will be high, and other competitors should be vigilant about the threats and challenges which will bring by the launch of the new payment system of Apple.



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