BMW新的迷你库博车(MINI COOPER)投放亚洲市场 掀起迷你(MINI)车热潮
[Sample Translation - Part 1]:
Many experts consider the Mini will take on the Beetle, the Mercedes A Class and the VW Golf,
and is likely to come out on top because of its styling and driving performance.
许多专家认为迷你(Mini)车将取代Beetle,Mercedes A Class和VW Golf等品牌,
The launch of the new Mini Cooper in Asia signals not just the arrival of perhaps the world’s most anticipated car but also how the global car industry is increasing its focus on small cars.
迷你库博(Mini Cooper)车投放亚洲市场不仅意味着亚洲消费者终于迎来了这种世界上最收欢迎的车,同时也意味着全球汽车工业正在把更多的精力放到小型车方面。
Previously, auto industry sales were pyramid-shaped – with the number of cars sold decreasing as prices increased. Now industry executives talk of an ‘hour-glass market’ – with sales of mid-range cars declining while demand for lower- and higher-end cars is increasing.
以前,汽车工业的销售情况呈金字塔型 – 汽车的价格越高,销量越小。现在,汽车行业的管理人员们谈论的是“沙漏型的市场” – 中等车销量减小,而两端(高级车型和低价车型)需求量却增加了。
A successful small-car strategy is essential for manufacturers and is particularly applicable in space-conscious Asia. More people are interested in smaller cars as fuel costs rise – the stimulus which helped to cerate the original Mini – but also as a kind of fashion statement when it comes to choosing a second car. Auto-makers say it is also becoming more and more crucial to attract drivers to their products at an early age – as drivers often stick with the same brand for decades, meaning makers must provide persuasive entry-level models.
成功的小型车策略对汽车生产商来说极为重要,尤其是在亚洲这样一个空间资源比较紧张的地区。随着燃油价格上涨,更多人开始感兴趣于小型汽车 – 正是这一点刺激了第一代迷你(Mini)汽车的问世 – 但在人们选择他们的第二辆车时,这也成为一种有吸引力的口号。汽车制造商们认为,在早期就吸引驾驶者选择他们的产品有着越来越重要的意义 – 因为驾驶者通常会几十年都认准一个品牌,这意味着制造商们提供的入门级原型车必须非常具有说服力。
Into this new market dynamic comes BMW’s new Mini - conceived in Germany, built in Britain, with an engine designed in the USA and produced in Brazil. It aims to echo the storming success of the original Mini with its modern – and yet retro – styling, its fun and sporty handling with enhanced space and performance.
BMW新型迷你(Mini)车进入了这个充满活力的新市场 – 该车在德国设计,英国制造(引擎在美国设计,巴西制造)。为了与第一代迷你(Mini)车取得的巨大成功相呼应,这款车在极为现代的设计中溶入了怀旧的风格。它的性能更强,空间利用率更高,驾驶者操作起来动感十足,非常有意思。
It also has BMW's emphasis on safety and technology. With the passenger cell offering 2-3 times the stiffness otherwise to be found in this segment, and with an airbag system unique in this part of the market, crash safety is enhanced to a maximum. Both the driver and front passenger are protected by frontal airbags fitted as standard in the steering wheel and instrument panel, as well as side airbags integrated in the seats. The COOPER is furthermore the only car in its class optionally available with a head airbag system, ensuring maximum safety and avoidance of head injury for the car's occupants both front and rear.
Another option is “run flat” tyres which allows driving on a flat tyre at speeds of up to 80km/hr for up to 150km/hr. It also has a rain sensor – with windscreen wipers automatically controlled according to wet weather conditions – and navigation and in-car telephone system options.
另外一个可选设备是“防漏气车胎”,这种车胎即使漏气了也可以保持80至150公里的时速(at speeds of up to 80km/hr for up to 150km/hr)。还有 “雨水传感器” – 潮湿或下雨天气里可以自动启动挡风玻璃上的雨刮器。驾驶者还可以选择安装车内导航和电话系统。
Drivers can switch from automatic to six-gear semi-automatic transmission for sportier driving, helping the Mini Cooper move from 0-100km/hr in just over 9 seconds and to a top speed of 200km/hr. Its driveability and strong, “emotional” ties to the original Mini are what most experts consider will promote the Mini to the forefront of the small car segment.
驾驶者可以选择全自动切换或6档半自动切换,以获得更具动感的驾驶体验。迷你库博(Mini Cooper)车可以在9秒内从0加速至100公里每小时,最高时速可达200公里。迷你库博(Mini Cooper)具有优异的驾驶性能,感觉上又与第一代迷你(Mini)车有千丝万缕的联系,所以许多专家认为这款车将会是小型车市场上最收欢迎的车型。
BMW says that initially interest from Asia for the new Mini was slow. But, since the car’s unveiling at the Paris Motor Show and word of the car’s sportiness and good looks has spread, distributors around Asia have been placing orders for the car. Originally, only Singapore and Hong Kong were expected to experience Mini-mania but now orders are coming in from countries like Taiwan, China, Malaysia and even Sri Lanka – countries which did not sell the original Mini and which therefore did not have a Mini “tradition”.
BMW公司说,开始时亚洲地区对这种新型迷你(Mini)车并不是很感兴趣。但是,自从这款车参加了巴黎车展,人们了解到它十足的运动感和漂亮外型过后,亚洲各地的经销商就开始下订单了。最初时,以为只有在新加坡和香港会有大量销售,但现在,有许多订单来自台湾、中国、马来西亚甚至斯里兰卡 – 这些国家和地区以前并没有销售过第一代迷你(Mini)车,因此没有流行迷你(Mini)车的“传统”。
The background Beta SP tape includes the following picture elements:
介绍背景资料的Beta SP录像带包括如下主要内容:
The new Mini Cooper driven on roads
Static views of the car
Interiors of Mini Cooper
Shots of the car being computer-designed
The Mini being assembled
Shots of the original Mini
新型迷你库博(Mini Cooper)车在公路上行驶
迷你库博(Mini Cooper)车车体内部