

OTAGO CROWN Wines inside


Central Otago is located on the 45th parallel in New Zealand, similar in the southern hemisphere to Burgundy and Oregon areas in the northern hemispheres. Both of these regions are predominantly planted to Pinot Noir and are recognized as producing the world’s finest Pinot Noir. However, unlike these regions Central Otago is blessed with a lower rainfall over the ripening period reducing the incidence of bunch rot and allowing the grapes to be left on the vines longer. This benefits the ripening process as heat accumulation over the growing season is slightly less than both Burgundy and Oregon. This results in wines that are not only world class but also have a quality and distinctiveness of their own. 
Otago Crown grapes are all hand picked and fermented in small lots, matured in French oak barrels before being lightly filtered prior to bottling. The first release of the “home” vineyard will be the 2006, which is currently maturing in barrel.

中奥塔哥位于新西兰境内,地处南纬 45 度,与北半球的勃艮第地区和俄勒冈地区相似。这两个地区主要种植黑比诺葡萄,所产葡萄已经被公认为全球品质最优的黑比诺品种。然而,与这两个地区不同的是,中奥塔哥在葡萄成熟期雨量较小,降低了整串葡萄腐烂的可能,使得葡萄可以在树上生长更长的时间。这种条件对葡萄的成熟非常有利,因为葡萄生长期的热积聚量略低于比勃艮第和俄勒冈。用这种葡萄酿造的葡萄酒不但品质世界一流,而且拥有自身独特的风味。 
奥塔哥王冠葡萄酒使用的葡萄均由人工摘选,经小批发酵后放进法国橡木桶内酿熟,再经过轻微过滤后装瓶。该葡萄园酿制的首批“奥塔哥王冠葡萄酒”将于 2006 年上市销售,目前这批葡萄酒正在酒桶中酿熟。

The Central Otago region is defined by the area administered by the Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes District Councils and consists of 6 sub regions separated by rivers, valleys and mountains.


While the boundaries of each sub region are not always clear, they are locally defined as Gibbston, Wanaka, Lowburn/Pisa, Cromwell, Bannockburn, Alexandra and Bendigo/Tarras. Each of which has its own mix of seasonal heat accumulation, rainfall, wind, sunshine, topography and soils which contribute to their wines individual qualities, yet are at the same time, are distinctively Central Otago. 
Although vines were planted during the 1800’s by Jean Feraud (Alexandra sub region) it wasn’t until the early 1980’s did the region, as we now know it today, begin to form. Over a short period Pinot Noir has become the star variety, so much so, that today over 80% of the total vineyard area is planted to this variety. These wines are consistently receiving acclaim and recognition from wine writers and in major wine competitions around the world.

尽管 6 个区之间的界限并非十分清楚,当地人仍然将其分别称为 Gibbston 区、Wanaka 区、Lowburn/Pisa 区、Cromwell 区、Bannockburn 区、Alexandra 区和 Bendigo/Tarras 区。各个区在季节性热积聚、雨量、风力、日照、地形和土壤等方面都有自己的特点,所产葡萄酒也因此独具风味,与此同时,它们又都拥有与众不同的中奥塔哥风格。 
虽然 Jean Feraud 早在十九世纪就已经在 Alexandra 区开始种植葡萄,但是该地区初具现有规模却是二十世纪八十年代初的事。不久,黑比诺葡萄就成为了明星品种,现在葡萄园中超过 80% 的面积种植的都是这种葡萄。用这种葡萄生产的各种葡萄酒多次获得全球葡萄酒评论家的认可,在重大的葡萄酒竞赛中也是屡获殊荣。



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