[English original source text below]


Rado Young design PRIZE at 100% Design Shanghai


The competition awarding The Rado Young Design Prize,which was given to two young talents - one student and one young professional - with the plan to offer a global platform was announced at the 100% Design Shanghai 2009 the 15th of October.

Nominated for the originality and creativity of their approach and for their choice and treatment of materials, the two winners, chosen by an international jury, are:

  • Solarium Clock by Baoyi ZHANG / Lingling HU
  • DIY Bench by Qianqian SHEN


Approximately 250 designs were submitted and 79 designs were awarded an Honorary Award Certificate. Eight final designs were selected to be displayed at the exhibition of 100% Design Shanghai.



[chinese target translation text]


瑞士雷达表新锐设计师大奖——“100% 设计上海展

报道——“100% 设计上海展

旨在为设计人才提供国际展示舞台的瑞士雷达表新锐设计师大奖赛于 2009 年 10 月 15 日在“100% 设计”上海展举行了隆重的颁奖仪式。两位才华横溢的青年设计师——学生组设计师与专业设计师——荣膺桂冠。



  • “时间之光”挂钟(张抱一/胡玲玲)
  • DIY 长椅(沈倩倩)

此次参赛者共提交了大约 250 件设计作品,其中 79 件作品获得了荣誉证书。“100% 设计”上海展上向公众展出了进入决赛前八名的设计作品。 


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