A Employee Survey for DOW


COMMENT Translated to English
我个人觉得DOW设置专门的健康服务部门的本意和初衷是很好的,但员工在实际使用上似乎并不感到他的存在,换言之,一旦身体有毛病一般不会找它. Personally, I believe that the special Health Care Department of DOW was set up on good initiative and purpose. However, it seems that the employees do not even perceive its existance. In other words, they are not likely going to seek its help when they get some physical problems. 
1,对于体检,能否有更多可以选择的医院,比如按照地区划分的至少2到3个市级大型医院。2,对于医疗保险的报销,能否及时与财务和保险公司沟洽,以减少逾期不报的麻烦。像10月份应该报销到帐的钱款现在11月中旬也未到,给我们造成了麻烦。 1. For physical examinations, could there be more hospitals for choice? For example, can we have at least 2 or 3 municipal major hospitals according to the regional division?
2. Regarding the benefit of the medical insurance, could there be better communications with the Financial Department and the insurance company, so as to minimize the troubles caused by the delayed reporting? Let's take for instance, the reimbursement due in October still hasn't arrived till now which is already the middle of November, and this has really caused trouble to us. 
希望有更多运动机会,对公司的文体活动安排不清楚,也没参加过 Wish to have more opportunities to participate in sports. Not quite clear about the cultural and sports programs sponsored by the company, and never participated. 
疫苗接种 vaccinal inoculability
服务项目包括什么内容? What items are included in this service?
不了解 Don't know
主要是没有足够的时间来参与,同时也不是很清楚如何获得服务的程序。 Mainly because I don't have enough time to participate, and am also not quite clear about how to obtain the service.
公司所在周围环境可能存在异常气味,公司应当对此作出相应评估并提出应对措施 Sometime strange odors are smelt in the ambient environment. The company should evaluate this and bring out solutions.
张家港公司周围空气不好,可能存在轻度污染,希望公司健康服务部门就此展开评估,并提出相应的健康指导. Zhangjiagang Branch is located in an ambient where the air might have been slightly polluted.  We hope the Health Service Department of the company could evaluate this and give some health guidances. 
健身卡不能满足需求,特别是带游泳池的健身场所太少 The gym membership card does not meet the needs. Particularly, the number of the sports facilities with swimming pools is too small.
希望改善办公区域内的空气干湿度,空气过干感觉呼吸不舒服。 The air humidity condition needs to be improved in the office area, because the staff feel uncomfortable if the air is too dry. 
其实,我对健康服务部门的了解很少。 Actually I know little about the Health Service Department.





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