[This is the English original source content]


Clock (title)

Administrator privileges are required to set the internal clock.  Go to “Admin”, then “Settings”, press “Check”, go to “Clock”.  Use the “Left” and “Right” arrows to navigate through the display and the “Up” and “Down” arrows to change day and time.  Once the day and time are set, press the “Check” button to accept and save the clock settings.  It is recommended when replacing the batteries that it is accomplished within 2 minutes or day and time may need to be reset.


To Schedule or Limit a user’s access (title)

Administrator privileges are required to Schedule or Limit a user’s access time.  The clock must set before scheduling can occur.  An example of when you might use this function is with a babysitter or a house cleaner.  If you have a reoccurring schedule, say every Friday from 5 pm to 9 pm that you wanted to give access to your babysitter. To schedule or limit a user’s access, select “Manage” and press the “Check” button.  From the display list select the user you want to schedule access on certain days and times, then press “Check”.  Highlight “Access Time” and press “Check”.  The screen will display “Always”, ”Never” and “By Time”.  Select “By Time” and press “Check”.  This will access the scheduling display window.   Use the “Left” and “Right” arrows to scroll across the days of the week.  Also, press the “Check” button to select or deselect the day or days.  Use the “Left” and “Right” arrows to select the time and user. Use the “Up” and “Down” arrows to select the start and stop times.  Highlight “OK” and press the “Check” button.  The screen will display “Saving”, then it will display a percentage sign next to the user name indicating limited access recurring weekly.



You can revisit any of the SmartScan video chapters for reference.  If you need further assistance or more detailed instruction for your SmartScan, please refer to your Instruction Manuals that came with your SmartScan.  A wealth of information can be found in the Troubleshooting and FAQ section of the “Programming Manual”. 



[This is the Traditional Chinese target translation]






需擁有管理員權限才能計劃或限制某位用戶的進出時間。必須先設置好時鐘,才能進行計劃。可能會用到此功能的一個例子,是保姆或家庭清潔工。您可以制定周期性計劃,如每周五下午 5 點到晚上 9 點允許保姆進入。要計劃或限制某位用戶進入,選擇“Manage(管理)”後按“Check(確定)”按鈕。從顯示列表中選擇您想要將其限制在特定日期和時間進出的用戶,然後按“Check(確定)”。選擇“Access Time(進出時間)”,按“Check(確定)”。屏幕上將顯示“Always(始終)”、“Never(從不)”和“By Time(按時間)”。選擇“By Time(按時間)”,再按“Check(確定)”。這樣會打開計劃顯示窗口。使用“左”“右”箭頭在一周中的各天之間移動。同樣,按下“Check(確定)”按鈕來選擇或取消選擇哪一天或哪幾天。使用“左”“右”箭頭來選擇時間和用戶。使用“上”“下”箭頭選擇起止時間。選擇“OK(好)”,再按“Check(確定)”按鈕。屏幕上將顯示“Saving(正在保存)”,然後將在用戶名旁顯示一個百分比符號%,表明此用戶只能在每周的受限時間內進出。



您可重新查看 SmartScan 視頻的任意片段,供參考備用。如果需要進一步的幫助,或者需要關於 SmartScan 更詳細的說明,請查看 SmartScan 配套的說明手冊。可在“編程手冊”的故障診斷和 FAQ 部分找到大量信息。


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